
Your one positive decision will benefit millions of lives and play a crucial role in saving the environment. Now in the coming time we will start new works for social service.


To empower Environment Care & Save the World Community from the Dire Consequences of Climate Change. By the very strong group of our senior team members and volunteers.


The Trust has two main missions through which India can strengthen its economic position.
1) Big Campaign to Plant 100 million Banyan Trees.
2) Save Sparrow Campaign.

About ECDC Trust

I am proudly introducing you our Environment Care & Development Charitable Trust which has been established to save the world community from the dire consequences of climate change and bring about a radical change in the economic development and environment of India. We will be expanding our networks with Big and small India’s well-known NGO’s, foundation, religious institutions, private limited company and organization.

The Trust has following main missions through which India can strengthen its economic position

To Make Earth Better Planet

Environment Care & Development Charitable Trust which has been established to save the world community from the dire consequences of climate change and bring about…


Our key focuse

Latest Events

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Amazing Contributors

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About Our Work

To make the changes we need to make and to reach a safer future, we will need the resources of everybody here — scientists, policy makers, industrialists , individuals — all working together towards a common goal. And that goal is save the planet that can & vivify an environment.